Personal background


From chaos to order

"I have learned from a troubled upbringing as a single child, without a father, and with a mentally ill mother. I am driven by the vision that all children should grow up and receive the security and togetherness that children need to thrive, feel good, and use their full potential."

Heal the boy and the man will appear.

Growing up with a turbulent family situation in a polarised society made it hard to be self-appreciative and acceptant towards others. Instead, bitterness, hopelessness, and anger dominated my upbringing. However, there was light at the end of the tunnel. Longing for more and a sense that somewhere deep down I was worthy of it.

The way towards that light demanded a lot. It demanded that I looked deep within to see who's hiding there. To let dreams surface and connect with others to heal. Step by step my journey ventured back and forth, from the crashing waves of despair and hopelessness to the still waters of hope and belief. Slowly new patterns took form originating from an emerging new sense of self. A good sense of self and patterns of self-care. In the eyes of the children and youth, I meet through my work I started to see my own vulnerability. A treasure hiding behind a fortress of "not giving a shit".

The vulnerable kids I met triggered my own innate need to be seen for who I was, behind the mask. That was real; everything else was fake. Then there was no way back. The made-up comfort of "not giving a shit" was no longer available. Instead, I discovered the little boy inside and his longing for direction, comfort, and love. I promised myself that not until I could take care of that inner boy sufficiently was I fit to start my journey as a parent.

Becoming the Change

I decided to become the parent I want to see in the world. Developing the leadership needed in order to raise children with self-esteem, self-confidence, and skills for the modern world is by far my greatest endeavor so far. This leadership journey is the foundation on which I now stand.

Today I'm married and have two kids. I have had the blessing to work with some of the greatest teachers on self-appreciation and self-awareness in the world. My goal today is to help and support those who want to grow and give back to others. 

The power of Whole-System thinking. 

My chaotic childhood and teenage years created a deep longing of putting everything together. It is has been and continues to be the drive that makes me study and apply the most integrative maps out there. These maps are more and more, becoming an integral part of my life, and I continually tweak and update them to run more smoothly and create the results I want.

As I see it, there is no higher power than to self-author our lives and create the habits and rituals we need to do the things we want.